Are you interested in joining our team? Madison County Schools (MCSS) is always looking for qualified, passionate, and motivated candidates to be a part of our district! As one of the largest employers in Madison County, we take pride in knowing we're here to support children in an effort to help prepare them for a future full of success. If that sounds like you, we invite you to learn more about how to apply and encourage you to visit our latest job openings!
To apply for jobs click the appropriate link (Certified, Classified, Administrative Vacancies). At the bottom of the Job Board listing, click login and apply.
Job postings are updated daily for each category and positions are OPEN until filled unless a CLOSING DATE is specified. Temporary positions are for the announced school year only. Temporary employees will be released at the end of each school year.
For your convenience, a computer is available in the lobby of our Central Office at 1275F Jordan Road, Bldg. B. Computer access is also available at the Huntsville-Madison County Libraries ((Huntsville–Madison County Library link: http://hpl.lib.al.us/locations).
Current Openings
Contact Us
Jennifer Brunsman
Personnel Manager
256.852.2557 ext 61304