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Residency Requirements

Definition of Residency and Admission to MCSS

Residency for school attendance purposes is defined as the student and the parent/guardian physically residing full-time weekdays, weeknights, and weekends at a dwelling located within the boundaries of the Madison County School System. Residency verification will be conducted by the school district social workers and/or administrative staff as part of the Shared Residency Affidavit (SRA) process.

Residency Requirements

Residency requirements are strictly enforced to ensure compliance with district policies. The following guidelines outline the minimum requirements for establishing residency. Please note that the district reserves the right to request additional documentation and verification at any time.


MCSS Board Policy: 6.1.2 Admission to Schools

Resident Students

To be eligible to attend Madison County School System, the following criteria must be met:

  1. Custodial Parent Residency:
    • The custodial parent(s) of the student must reside in a zone served by the Madison County School System.
    • Alternatively, the student must be a ward of the court or an institution within Madison County.
  2. Evidence of Residency:
    • Families must provide valid documentation to confirm the student’s domicile or physical residence within the school zone.
    • For the purposes of this policy, the student’s residence is considered to be that of their primary custodial parent.

Proof of Residency Documentation

To establish residency, families must provide the following:

1. Primary Documentation

  • A signed lease agreement, mortgage statement, deed or property tax bill in the parent/guardian’s name.

2. Secondary Documentation

  • A recent utility bill (Huntsville Utilities only accepted. Date must be within 60 days).
  • Gas, water, cable/internet, or cell phone bill is not accepted
  • Government-issued correspondence (e.g., Social Security or tax documents).

3. Photo Identification

  • A valid government-issued photo ID of the parent/guardian.

Additional Requirements for Shared Residency Families (SRA)

Families living in a shared housing arrangement must also provide:

  • Homeowner’s driver’s license.
  • Homeowner’s lease/deed/mortgage.
  • Homeowner’s Huntsville utility bill.
  • Parents must provide 2 of the following: expired lease or utility bill, previous year W2, or recent pay stub (no older than 45 days).