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Resources for Substitutes

Substitute Resources

Important Information and Links for MCSS Substitutes.

Frontline-Formerly AESOP

Frontline is your Job Finder- an automated service that greatly simplifies and streamlines the process of finding and managing substitute jobs for Madison County Schools. The Frontline Absence Management solution is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can be accessed online, by telephone, or via the JOBULATOR mobile app.


Please Note:

Please Note:  ALL non-working subs with-in a semester will be removed from the system. Removal dates begin January for 1st semester and May for 2nd semester. If you have been removed from the active substitute list due to non-working status, you will need to contact the Personnel Department for information on how to reinstate your sub record.  

Important Resources


KRONOS is the MCSS Time Keeping System- This is your timesheet. Payroll will use this system to pay you. You will log into this system at the school you are subbing for. If you need assistance with Kronos, please contact the school's bookkeeper or secretary.  

Employee Self Service (ESS)

To view and/or print your monthly pay stubs and W-2's. 

ESS Instructions
ESS Login