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Digital Literacy and Computers Science (DLCS) Course of Study Resources

Graphical image of DLCS Conceptual Framework


"Technology allows educators and students to transform teaching and learning and to develop crucial skills for communicating, creating, and interacting with each other in a global society. Although technology is not a panacea for all instructional problems, it equips students with tools that have not existed in the past. Technology allows digitally and computationally literate students to transition from being simply consumers of information and media to being producers as well. The goal is for Alabama students to be at the forefront in exploring these technological opportunities.

Attaining digital and computational literacy strengthens life skills such as solving problems creatively, thinking critically, and working cooperatively in teams. Because technology is at the center of almost every aspect of daily life, the digitally literate person is more likely to face the challenges of a dynamic global society with confidence.

Digitally literate students can use technology responsibly and appropriately to create, collaborate, think critically, and apply algorithmic processes. They can access and evaluate information to gain lifelong knowledge and skills in all subject areas. Alabama includes computational literacy in its definition of digital literacy. Our goal is digital and computational literacy for all Alabama students." - 2018 Alabama Digital Literacy and Computer Science Course of Study (p.1)