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Spinal Screening

Scoliosis, the medical term for lateral curvature of the spine, is a common disorder.  Between 5 and 10 percent of school children have spinal curves.  It is slightly more common in girls than boys and has its onset usually about ages 10 to 12.  About 85 percent of curves are idiopathic (of unknown origin), although there appears to be a strong familial tendency in the idiopathic group.

Spinal screening is done as part of your child’s annual wellness exam with their private physician. As required by ALSDE and ADPH, Madison County Schools offers an additional opportunity for screening for students in grades 5 through 9 once annually during the second semester. The screening will be performed by a school nurse at the local school, during the school day. Parents/Guardians will be notified prior to the school screening date and will have the opportunity to request their child participate in a school scoliosis screening by completing, signing, and returning the letter in the link below. This is an opt-in program only; no screening will be completed on your child unless the parent letter is returned to the school nurse.

The goal of a spinal screening program, whether in the physician’s office or at school, is that children with spinal deformities be detected early and placed under medical care before potential serious disability and deformity occur.

ALSDE Scoliosis Guidelines 2019

MCBOE Scoliosis Screening Letter