Required Documentation PTO
All PTO organizations must have on file or submit the following documentation by August 1 of each year in order to be authorized to operate in or on behalf of any MCSS school.
For PTOs operating financially outside of school the following documentation must be on file or submitted by August 1 of each year.
- Articles of Incorporation
- Initial Bylaws and Organizational Minutes
- Letter of Determination from IRS granting Tax Exempt status
- Current Bylaws- (should be approved by membership every three years)
- Proof of federal tax filing for previous fiscal year
- List of officers for current year
- Budget for current year
- Final Financial Report for fiscal year
- Proof of annual review of financial records
- Proof of Fidelity Bond
For PTOs operating financially inside of school the following documentation must be on file or submitted by August 1 of each year.
- Current Bylaws- (should be approved by membership every three years)
- Signed Sponsor form
- Officer Authorization form
- List of officers for current year
- Budget for current year
- Final Financial Report for fiscal year